• https://www.championtimber.com/2440-x-1220-x-18mm-hardwood-faced-structural-plywood-for-internal-and-humid-conditions-8418hpi
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About Our Birch Plywood

What is Birch Plywood?

Birch plywood uses veneers that are sandwiched together, usually at right angles to the layer above or below, also known as a 'cross bonded'. This results in a product with a void-free core which gives it greater strength and more resistance to shrinkage. This means making a quality smooth surface face ideal for high-end joinery and jobs requiring a good paint finish.

Certified to EN636-2S (6mm and below certified to EN636-2G)

EN636 - 3 (Class 3) Defines that the product is made from timber that is durable (hardwood throughout) and is suitable for all exterior applications including frequent wetting. Prolonged use in an external application would require boards to be covered or decorated.

The final part of EN636 deals with its suitability for structural use. All the plywood we stock of a thickness 9mm or over is suitable for structural use and is defined by the addition of the letter "S". Boards below 9mm show the letter "G" in their description and are only suitable for General use (non-structural).

What can I use Birch Plywood for?

Birch Plywood Sheets are typically used for furniture manufacture, display signs, shopfitting, toy manufacture, wall and ceiling claddings and fascias. BB grade Birch Ply has a fine grain texture that allows for small defects in the timber. 

Our Birch plywood is available in a variety of thicknesses for all applications. This multi ply hardwood panel also cuts cleanly, making it ideal for a variety of highly engineered structures as it is less likely to splinter hence suitable for toys and playground equipment.

Some of the best grades of Birch plywood originate from and are manufactured in Siberia. Therefore due to the Russia/Ukraine situation it’s currently not available to buy in the UK.

Champion Timber stocks an alternative Maple veneered plywood which has similar properties to birch and therefore is suitable for use in a wide range of projects. 

Click here to buy our Maple plywood